Snoring and its causes

Snoring and its causes

If you’ve been told you’re snoring, you probably already know you’re not sleeping as well as you should.

When we sleep, the upper airway musculature relaxes and partially closes, so that not enough air reaches the lungs due to the narrowing of the upper airway. This may be due to reversible causes, such as tonsil hypertrophy or excess adipose tissue around the neck. Or to structural causes, such as the shape of the nose or palate. This narrowing of the airway causes a vibration in the throat with the passage of air with each breath, which creates the characteristic sound of snoring.

How does snoring affect you and your partner?

Snoring not only disturbs the sleep of the person sleeping next to you, but also disturbs your own rest, something you may or may not perceive. Snoring means that you are limiting the arrival of oxygen to your body. It also means that in all likelihood, you are performing micro awakenings throughout the night without being aware of it. This could be preventing you from getting healthy, restful sleep. So, whatever cause is causing your snoring, if you snore, or suspect you are snoring, consider it a red flag and talk to your doctor about conducting a sleep study. Snoring is associated with the appearance of other pathologies in the medium to long term such as high blood pressure.


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