Patient Services


We are a company dedicated to providing high quality medical analysis, treatment and follow-up services for patients diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring.

We advise each person individually in the choice of equipment and accessories to ensure success in their treatment.
We attach great importance to the monitoring and evolution of our patients, each person is different and their needs may vary over time. We do not sell equipment, we sell quality treatments and advice to people. Our goal is to normalize the rest of our patients with a comprehensive intervention in terms of sleep. Let us help you!

Installation of equipment and accessories

We will teach you how to use it properly and give you all the information to make it ready for use.

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Data Service

Available for download from your phone.

The entire range of ResMed treatment devices are of high quality, more comfortable, more effective and less noisy. They have the ability to transmit clinical data during sleep.

This helps us to apply care protocols with patients anywhere in the world and always individually.

AirSleep has been created specifically for patients who use Resmed devices. With the AirSleep App for mobile devices and Tablet and linked to your treatment team you will have an active role in therapy. You will be able to obtain the clinical data easily, explained in a clear way for the user. Easier, more accessible, reports always available in just one click.

Find out more about AirSleep

Own Centers, in-clinics

TerapiaCPAP has its own Patient Care centers in various parts of the country. We also serve different clinics to serve their patients in the same center.


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    If you prefer, you can contact us by phone
    (Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday 9:00 to 14:00).


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